What are the advantages and disadvantages of rotogravure printing?

In the process of rotogravure printing, the image is cell-by-cell acid-etched onto the metal cylinder's surface, one cylinder for each colour. Each colour that is utilized requires its own cylinder. Before the ink is transmitted from the cells onto the printing medium, a blade removes extra ink from the cylinder's surface.The printing material is supplied between the rotogravure and impression cylinders for uniform coverage. To achieve the optimum finish, the material is efficiently sandwiched with force to force the ink out of the cells. Before moving on to the next colour cylinder, the print material is then dried.

Rotogravure Printing Cylinders in India are mostly used for wallpaper or gift-wrapping paper printing. But it can also be utilized for printing labels, packaging, and other things that require a more distinctive print. Rotogravure printing technique is frequently applied in the field of printing due to a number of advantageous qualities that enable us to adapt very nice prints to a wide variety of completely new materials, something that can obviously provide us many advantages.

Advantages of Rotogravure Printing

  • high speed and volume printing technique that can print continuous-tone images.

  • A direct print method, yields superior ink lay down and more consistent print quality.

  • Quick-drying solvent-based inks are used to enhance the printing process.

  • The labour costs are quite cheap because the process is totally automated virtually.

  • As long as they are used frequently and can be maintained, rotogravure cylinders are quite durable and can be used for multiple print runs.

  •  allows the printing of many colour types without the risk of overlap or coverage (more than four colours without problem).

  • The gravure machine requires far less maintenance, and it is less expensive.

Disadvantages of Rotogravure Printing

  • It could be a pricey procedure.

  • In the event of small-scale printing, it is not at all advised.

  • The environment may suffer as a result of some inks used in the procedure.

The remarkable density range of Rotogravure Printing makes it the better option for photography and fine art printing. This industrial printing device has the capacity to produce improved printing quality. For orders, such as furniture laminates, wallpapers, newspaper advertisement inserts, consumer packaging, catalogs for mail order, etc., where great consistency and good quality are required, one can employ this printing more effectively.This device is undoubtedly one of the best inventions ever made by humans.

Primetech Gravures is one of the leading manufacturers of Rotogravure Printing Cylinders in India. Get in touch with them for further details on how their extremely accurate and innovative rotogravure solutions can support their business.


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